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Re: Alturas Park

Because it is Moscow Bill and they are asleep at the wheel.  It is just like
the swimming pool that could be a money making proposition year around. If
they enclosed it in building leased out space they could have year around
memberships that would generate revenue. Now, they will spend X numbers of
dollars for a hole in the ground that they can keep dumping money into.
With all due respect;

Wolfgang M. Schwartzenweintraub

----- Original Message -----
From: "bill london" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2000 8:42 AM
Subject: Alturas Park

> Well, it's official....
> Moscow treasurer admitted, in print, that the city has been bailing out
> Alturas Technology Park--"loaning" the Urban Renewal Agency that
> the park construction $77,000 this month, for a total of $147,000.
> My thanks to reporter Erin Walter and the Lewiston Tribune for uncovering
> this information and publishing it (today's Tribune, 2/11/00, page 5A).
> So, not only have the taxpayers of Moscow helped a couple of lawyers move
> from downtown to this so-called technology park, we are also left holding
> the bag for the park's development.
> How much more are we taxpayers expected to shell out for this park? Why
> hasn't the city council been investigating this situation?
> BL
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