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P&Z and rural residential

Daily News article, Feb 10: "Moscow P&Z rejects proposed subdivision."  
According to the article, the P&Z Commission cited problems with the plan 
for large-lot homes and the concept of rural residential development.  This 
week, Whitman County and the City of Pullman are circulating a survey to 
various homeowners just outside the city limits asking if there is any 
interest in rezoning the area to allow rural residences of 1/2 to 5 acres.  
Concurrently, Whitman County Planning will begin speaking with potentially 
affected interests about the possibility of "loosening" restrictions on 
rural residences in agricultural areas.  Any discussion on the subject is 
encouraged.  What's the concern with rural residential development?  What's 
the concern with putting a home on five acres surrounded by agriculture?  
There is a market, as is evident by the expensive homes on top of every 
ridge surrounding Moscow.  How did Latah County come up with the formula of 
a house per 40 acres?
John Murray
Whitman County Assistant Planner
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