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Whose God? If you are open to having all the faiths represented (including
some I myself consider weird but would never think of identifying
here) then I guess I see no flaw in your argument--

Unless you were thinking of not allowing atheist and agnostic point of
views to be represented, even though atheists and agnostics pay taxes.

I found the point that God had been returned to the public schools because
students prayed during the Columbine massacre --

I found that a little tacky.

There has always been prayer in the schools, as the joke goes, before
exams. Coercing people into praying your prayer to your God in a public
school doesn't seem a great idea to me.

But I'll bet you're happy with the U.S. Congress -- rejecting the
appointment of someone as chaplain because he was a Jew. Apparently the
chaplain is always a Protestant. 

Don H. Coombs

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