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Brief Legislative Update from Rep. Trail

As most of you know, I had successful bypass surgury on Tuesday February
the 1st.  I was discharged from the hospital on Sunday and am now walking
two or three times a day, resting, and recuperating.  I appreciate the
numerous letters, flowers, and calls of encouragement.

Rep. Miller called me late this afternoon and told me that three PERSI
bills passed the House Human Resources Committee and will be up for vote on
the House floor next week.  

I feel very fortunate to have someone as experienced as Rep. Miller serve
as my substitute.  He labored for many years developing the PERSI
legislation so it fitting that he is here for the finale.

Currently, the best way to reach me is by email at

thanks again for all of your support,




Rep. Trail, district 5

 I would like constituents to e-mail, phone, fax, or write me with their
ideas, comments and recommendations.  

by phone: (at the House Communications Center)

208-332-1000 switchboard
208-332-1202 desk
208-334-5397  (fax)

by email:      My email in Boise      Information desk at the Capitol

Rep. Tom Trail
Idaho State Legislature
State Capitol Building
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0038

Legislative newsletters and additional materials and information can be
located on my web
and home page

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