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New Moscow Well

I don't understand what the big fuss is regarding the new Moscow well.
(other than water conservation issues.)

The Moscow area is growing & so needing another well is a natural
consequence of that, right?  Growth and change are a good thing in my eyes.
Yes, I agree that we need to plan for water conservation, traffic and impact
of development- but unless as a planet we start to seriously crack down on
population control, development is a necessary part of our lives.
Development needs to happen- Moscow needs to grow somewhere to accommodate
our businesses and residential growth  (Unless you want to start tearing
down the buildings downtown & build high-rises!)

As to those complaining about the potential "junk yard" or what it will look
like- how about offering to help landscape it or something?!

Visionaries.... I propose that we all do more visioning, planning, and
action and less foot-dragging and complaining.  What do you think?


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