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Adopt-A-Steet Program


The City of Moscow recently launched it's new Adopt-A-Street Program.
This program, jointly administered by the City of Moscow and Latah
Sanitation, Inc./Moscow Recycling (LSI/MR), was developed to help combat
litter on streets throughout the City.

The program works similar to the Adopt-A-Highway Program in that once a
section of street is adopted, the adopter agrees to clean litter from
the street as needed, but at least two times per year for a period of
two years.  In exchange for the adopter's efforts, a sign recognizing
the adopter will be placed on the street.  The adopter will also be
mentioned in educational materials published by the City and LSI/MR's
Waste Reduction Education Program.

To receive an information packet, please contact LSI/MR by phone at
882-0590 or by email at

Relene Johnson, Vice President
Latah Sanitation, Inc./Moscow Recycling

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