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RE: New Moscow Well

>I believe there would be some benefit to Moscow if the city used its
>infrastructure as a carrot to influence the nature of development in  "west
>Moscow, Washington."
>Whitman county could place a "train wreck" on our front door. Do we want to
>be powerless to prevent that from happening?

No train wrecks are planned for the Corridor, however mining and rock 
crushing is permitted as a conditional use.  Also things like car 
dealerships and communication towers.  Your point is a good one; in order to 
negotiate, each party should have something to bargain with.  Extension of 
"A" street over the border would provide access to Airport Road and provide 
infrastructure for water and sewer.  That might be seen as enough of a 
positive thing to keep certain uses from popping up at the edge of town.  
That kind of horse-trading is a legitimate government activity.

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