Re: U.S. 95
I was involved in an accident on 95 and Elder Road. According to the SR
this is the second worst spot on 95. As you approach the intersection from
the south there is a blind curve ( at the time I was involved there was not
speed limit sign for the curve, now there is); there is not left turn lane
onto Elder road (And there is a smoke shop at that corner); and there is no
shoulder at that spot--only rigid highway signs that would discourage
ditching a car if you had too (hitting them could be just as dangerous as
hitting the car ahead of you).
I have learned if I am going to CDA and points north I take 195. It is much
safer and faster. It is better safe than sorry.
BTW I don't fault the Daily News for its coverage on 95. They have had
several articles on it over the years. We must remember that as a local
paper their resources are much more limited than the SR. However, the DN
could help its readers by reprinting the SR articles--I think the SR has put
them in syndication.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Cliff Fallon" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2000 3:00 PM
Subject: U.S. 95
> My personal statistics of highway (I use that term loosely) 95 were
> collected over the Martin Luther King Holiday weekend. On the way to
> skiing on Saturday we saw a SUV on its side against a tree just north of
> Worley. On the way home on Monday there was a pickup on its top just
> of Coeur D'Alene. Two for two is an unacceptable accident statistic.
> roads have become my personal political interest and I will watch
> how our leaders work to improve our transportation system.
> Cliff Fallon
> 208 882-1392
- References:
- U.S. 95
- From: Cliff Fallon <>
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