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Re: Pre-Legislative Newsletter from Rep. Tom Trail - Jan. 16th

The tobacco money may provide the most far reaching and interesting decision
making in state history.  If the legislature and the governor view the
tobacco money as part of the state's budget, then we will see it frittered
away on special projects.  However, I think the governor and the legislature
should view the tobacco money in the same light as they view the Albertson's
grants.  That is, we should set up a state foundation with the tobacco
money, invest the funds for a solid return, then spend the gain from
investing the tobacco money on worthwhile state projects.  The funds stay
with  the state, are controlled by the state, can be used as a rainy day
fund, will provide future funding for many projects, will provide for future
decreases in needed taxes, and will show a forward-looking, future-thinking
Idaho government.


John and Laurie Danahy

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