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Legislative contact information from Rep. Tom Trail

To: Subject: Legislative contact information from Rep.
Tom Trail Cc:  

Dear district five constituents:

The 2000 Legislative Session will start on January 10th with an address from
the Governor and his State of the State address on the 12th. I plan on
maintaining the same open access to constituents during the session as I have
in the past. I've listed below is my mailing address, e-mail addresses, phone,
and fax contact numbers. 

The mailing address, Capitol Information Desk #, infocenter e-mail #, and fax #
will also put you in contact with Rep. Shirley Ringo and Sen. Gary Schroeder.

Below are my Boise # 's

or -- the Information desk at the Capitol

Phone: 208-332-1202 -- my desk
208-332-1000 -- Capitol Information Desk

Fax: 208-334-5397 -- Capitol


Rep. Tom Trail
Idaho State Legislature
State Capitol Building
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, ID. 83720-0038

Website/Home Page: Legislative updates page (you can connect to the update page from here as well)

I plan on writing a weekly Legislative Report and communicating it via e-mail
to constituents, and
I will on occasion send news via e-mail on specific topics. I'll also post
information on my legislative updates page.

Rep. Tom Trail/Dist. 5

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