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Immunization Rates in Region 2


Many of your may remember the passage of a Statewide Immunization Registry
this past legislative
session.  This was part of Governor Kempthorne's  Generation of the Child
Initiative.  There has been much work on the development of a statewide
registry.  The work is being coordinated by the
Governor's Office, with input from parents, the Public Health Distrists, H
and W, local providers,
and the insurance industry.

Listed below are some results of the initiative:

                        October 1/99                    March 1/97  (4:3:1
24 months)

Grangeville           82%                                      55%

Kamiah                 92%                                      59%

Lewiston               81%                                     46%

Moscow                89%                                      55%

Orofino                 76%                                       38%

Dist. II                  84%                                       51%

These are impressive indicators of progress.   District II leads the state.
The 4:3:1  24 months
indicates that a child will have all shots by the age of 2.   Better
reporting and coordination
has improved the higher percentages of children up to 2 receiving their
vaccination as well
as a better job of informing the public.    Idaho last year ranked 49th out
of 50 states in terms
of children not getting all of their vaccinations.    The state has moved
up to about 30th place
as I understandit.

Rep. Tom Trail/Dist. 5

Dr. Tom Trail
International Trails
1375 Mt. View Rd.
Moscow, Id. 83843
Tel:  (208) 882-6077
Fax:  (208) 882-0896
e mail

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