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Re: end of millenium list

Nice idea, Lois.
My votes:
historical visionary:
Virgil McCroskey, who gathered the land and then donated to the public, 
Steptoe Butte State Park and Mary Minerva McCroskey State Park
current visionary:
John Norton, Moscow attorney who founded Palouse Land Trust

>From: "Lois Melina" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: end of millenium list
>Date: Mon, 27 Dec 1999 14:32:39 -0800
>In keeping with everyone else who is making a list of the Top *** of the 
>year, decade, century, and millenium, who would you nominate for:
>Most Visionary Person of the Palouse Region (historical)
>Most Visionary Person of the Palouse Region (current)
>Perhaps by reflecting on these individuals and their contributions we can 
>be helped to learn the difference between a true visionary and those who 
>send us toward mirages.
>Lois Melina

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