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Fw: letter to editor

Some of you have said you could not read the attachment, so here is the text
of the letter to the editor that my husband asked me to post.

>December 19, 1999
>Dear Editor:
>We wish to express our opinion concerning health care on the Palouse. We
>feel that fiscal responsibility is one of the critical factors in
>maintaining excellent health care for our communities. We agree with the
>Gritman Board of Directors that it is fiscally irresponsible to construct a
>new consolidated hospital at this time. The long term survival of locally
>available hospital services may hinge on the debt incurred by our hospitals
>today. It is critical that our hospitals work together to become more
>efficient, but constructing a new facility is not the solution. We strongly
>support cooperation between our health care institutions to continue to
>provide sustainable excellent health care to our communities. As our
>cooperation matures and more definite estimates about savings incurred by
>this cooperation are developed, the idea of one hospital for the Palouse
>bear revisiting.
>Randall Kloepfer, M.D.
>Debra McKinnon, D.O.
>Carl M. Melina, M.D.>
>Lon G. Miller, M.D.

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