Phillips Farm Facts and Request for Comment
- To: <>
- Subject: Phillips Farm Facts and Request for Comment
- From: "Marsha Reid" <>
- Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 15:18:17 -0800
- Cc: "Loreca J. Stauber (E-mail)" <>
- Importance: Normal
- Reply-To: <>
- Resent-Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 16:13:28 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"dMhd3D.A.qJG.EGtW4">
- Resent-Sender:
Latah Board of County Commissioners' Department of Rural Development
Public Service Announcement
Hello. The following fact sheet on the Phillips Farm is provided to you for
your input to the Latah Board of County Commissioners on or before January
4, 2000.
Oh, and now that I have all the bugs worked out of posting the "Rural Latah"
newsletter (thanks to Jesse Flowers, Latah County Information Services) you
can see it at Click on Rural Development then click on
the December 1999 listing. Thank you for your patience with me!
Virgil Phillips Property
(a.k.a. Phillips Farm)
Facts and Request for Comment
Latah County has always looked favorably upon assuming areas for outdoor
recreation on behalf of the citizens and guests.
The County is availing of the opportunity presented by the City of Moscow’s
invitation to lease and assume management of the Phillips Property as a
County park and recreation facility. The discussions so far have been on a
lease proposal.
The City held preliminary discussions with organizations and agencies
interested in Phillips Farm beginning August 8, 1999.
WHAT: Latah County is considering leasing 160 acres of rolling agriculture
and timber land known as the Phillips Farm.
A draft lease was presented November 2, 1999 to Latah County from the City
of Moscow for review. A first review has been made and the comments from
Latah County have been given to the City of Moscow for consideration.
Emphasis is on managing the property to benefit children (programs, outdoor
learning laboratory, summer jobs, educational and recreational experiences).
At this time there are neither plans for immediate or future programs as
citizen input on both are critical to the Board of Latah County
Commissioners. Any program plans would involve, additional to County funds,
available grant and/or foundation start-up money for staff, equipment and
supplies and the development of a budget for the facility.
The County has contacted the Idaho Department of Transportation to review
ingress/egress as the entrance to the property is on a hill.
WHERE: The 160 acres is about six (6) miles north of Moscow off State
Highway 95. Legal description is: The Northeast quarter of the Northwest
quarter less highway and property north of highway, further described as
40.32 acres in Government Lot 1; 40.29 acres in Government Lot 2; and the
Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter, Section 18, Township 40 North,
Range 5 West B.M., Latah County.
The City of Moscow owns one-fourth of the 160-acres parcel known as the NW
¼ of Sec. 18, Township 40N, Range5 W.B. M. outright in fee simple and is the
trustee of the remaining three-quarters of the same property.
USES: The property has been used primarily for the benefit of the children
of Moscow through summer outdoor education programs; school programs
utilizing the site as an outdoor laboratory for elementary, junior high,
high school and university students and teachers; Better Living Inc. summer
education, agriculture, job training and recreation programs from 1990-1997;
a cross-country (running) track/trails; and various gardening and
agricultural programs.
You are invited to share ideas with the Board of County Commissioners.
If the County assumes the lease:
How, in general, would you like that property used?
What specific programs would you like to see conducted at the Phillips Farm?
With whom should cooperative or collaborative programs and/or activities be
developed and conducted?
Are there specific safety considerations you are thinking about?
WHEN: Presently no decisions have been made about the County assuming
management responsibilities of the property, although the City of Moscow has
desired a decision by the end of 1999.
The Board of County Commissioners is inviting citizen input. Please share
your ideas and/or concerns at a PUBLIC MEETING JANUARY 4, 2000, in Room 2B,
County Courthouse, 522 Adams Street, 6:30 p.m.
If you are unable to attend, please express your comments via e-mail
(, by telephone (882-8580 or 1-800-691-2012), or in writing
to: Latah BOCC, Latah County Courthouse, PO Box 8068, Moscow ID 83843.
Marsha Tyg Reid, Coordinator
Latah Board of County Commissioners'
Department of Rural Development
522 S. Adams, Room 9B
PO Box 8068
Moscow ID 83843
Phone: (208) 883-7214
1-800-691-2101 Ext. 3555 (if county toll call)
Fax: (208) 883-2280
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