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Re: Charlie Brown

Travis,  I can tell that you will probably die a
lonely old man.  Whatever Charlies faults, he was a
human being and if you live in a glass house I would
watch what I say.  That is of course you are sitting
on the left hand side of God!  I don't care what
people do in their lives everyone deserves to be loved
and cared for.  I may or may not be nuttier than a
fruit cake but you are way out of line to say so.  

According to the laws of God there is no one sin
greater than another, aside from the unforgivable sin.
 I suppose you have never broken the law by say
speeding, or parking in a handicap zone.  Maybe you
told a little white lie in order to save someone's
feelings.  None of these things are any less sinful
that all or any of the things that Charlie may or may
not have done.  "Judge not least ye be judged".  

People of every walk of life deserve compassion. 

So Travis Tonn, is this your real name?  Are you from
Moscow or Mars? are you always a horses behind or do
you just come off that way on purpose?

I would sooner memorialize the sinner Charlie Brown
than to remember you beyond today!

Kay Henson, Sinner

Today is just another page in a chapter of the "Book of my life"   --Henson

Kay Henson
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