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Re: Charlie Brown

>I think it needs a bit more editing/policing 
Hopefully we choose to communicate as responsible, somewhat mature and 
rational individuals. As such, each person communicating ought to do so 
with the kind of self-restraint that responsibility and rationality 
impose, and certainly in line with the Vision 2020 MIssion Statement 
(adopted in March l995 -- which every Visionary ought to have in hand as 
a participant). While I do not agree with any form of external censorship 
or policing, under our present operating procedures, I do believe that 
individuals MUST monitor their own expressions and conform them to what 
is decent and respecting, incl. self-respecting. For example, rather than 
trashing a person's character, actions and motives, it's just as well to 
state that you seriously question that person's worthiness to be 
memorialized, or whatever. Any personal details, verified or other, ought 
to be a private communication between the contesting parties, and not 
broadcast as invective to the entire list. This recommendation may not be 
easy to abide by, but at least everyone must try hard to avoid the 
language used in the casa referred to. If it's known and recorded in 
public records that so-and-so had committed the acts alluded to, then 
point to the record and how to access it. Wouldn't that be a fair way to 
deal with the situation? After all, our purpose here is to enhance 
community, not engage in diatribes. Let's stick to matters of public 
performance and accountability.   In the Holiday spirit, let's all try 
harder.  Ken M.

William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843

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