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linear park

the latest from the Linear Park Task Force:

>Here are the minutes of the November 16, 1999 meeting and the agenda for
>next Tuesday's meeting.
>Linear Park Task Force
>November 16, 1999
>Present				Absent			Guests
>Sylvia Ferrin				Judy Brown			Graphic Design Team:
>Damon Burton			Sam Scripter			Susan Weaver
>Steve Drown								Angela Hudgenson
>Linda Pall								Robin Amonson
>Becky Chastain							Angie Whitney
>Roger Blanchard
>The U of I student graphic design team presented several different logos to
>the task force members.  The members were pleased with the quality and
>variety of the designs.  After discussion of various elements of the
>designs, a consensus was reached on how to proceed to final design.  At the
>next meeting the team will have samples of how the proposed logo could be
>incorporated into a letter head, a brochure, a website, and a T-shirt.  The
>task force decided that instead of using the name "Linear Park", the name
>"Paradise Path" will used.
>The task force was pleased to learn of the Fosberg's dedication of a
>conservation easement on their property at "D" and Mountain View Streets.
>They felt it was important that this area along Paradise Creek was
>preserved and that an example was set for other landowners along the creek
>who might want to protect their property from development.
>Roger reported that Berman Creekside Park is proceeding on schedule.  The
>asphalt paths are now in and the remainder of the paving should be
>completed in the near future.
>Sylvia shared a proposed bulb planting plan for the Sweet Avenue project.
>The task force still needs to coordinate a planting date for this event.
>The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, December 14, 1999 at 5:30 p.m.
>in the City Hall Annex Conference Room.
>The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
>December 14, 1999
>		1.  Minutes and Reports
>		2.  Review of design efforts by U of I students
>		3.  Discussion of next phase of Berman Creekside Park development

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