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Bill London hospitalized

Bill London, one of the founders of Moscow Vision 2020 and a long-time
community activist, fell at home Monday night while changing a light
bulb and broke his femur.   He had successful surgery Wednesday evening
at Gritman Medical Center to install a tin and titanium rod in the leg.
"Call me Bionic Bill," he said when I talked to him this afternoon.  It
will be several months until the leg heals enough to bear his weight, so
Bill will be using a wheelchair to get around.  Thus, he'll be able to
take advantage of that new automatic door that the Co-Op will soon have,
thanks in part to his efforts.
Bill will stay at least one more night in the hospital.  He hopes to be
released on Friday -- his daugher, Willow, graduates from the UI on
Saturday.   He is in Room 322 and is glad to have visitors if he's awake
and not doing physical therapy.  Before you visit, I suggest calling
Gritman (882-4511) and ask for the Medical/Surgical nursing station.
The nurse can transfer your call to his room.
I'll post an update on his condition later in the week.

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