Murf Raquet's editorial on Virgil Phillips farm
- To:
- Subject: Murf Raquet's editorial on Virgil Phillips farm
- From: Charles Swift <>
- Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 10:21:19 -0800
- In-Reply-To: <>
- Resent-Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 10:18:35 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"ThWxFC.A.deF.-erR4">
- Resent-Sender:
First of all a couple of corrections. Murf stated that Laird Park was a
county park, however, that is a Forest Service Campground and there is no
other county park in that area that I'm aware of. Also he forgot to mention
Spring Valley Reservoir which I believe is a county park.
As to the merits of the plan to have the county develop and maintain the
farm and without without having too much background, it seems like a
reasonable idea to me. The county says 4H could use the farm. Murf says
they can use the County fairgrounds in Moscow. If I were in 4H (or 4H
parent) I would much rather do my stuff on a real farm! If the county's
plan will provide some facilities and more access then I say go for it.
Lord knows we could use a few more accessible open spaces around here. The
expense does not seem huge if County Parks and Recreation can fit it into
their budget. Existing facilities at other parks seems adequate if a bit
"rustic" (I've hiked and bird watched at all the mentioned parks). Public
hearings seem okay - maybe county commissioners can schedule an evening
meeting as suggested - but I suspect there would be support for this plan.
Thanks, Charles.
Charles E. Swift
Moscow, Idaho
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