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Re: Virgil Phillips Farm

I like the idea.  It's a fun place to slip out to for cross-country skiing
although it would be better if the driveway on top would get plowed to allow
parking.  I also like to walk there even though it is somewhat close to the
highway because there is so much nice land (trees, creek, hawks, etc.).
Will the park meet the mandates or criteria that are tied to this land?  Who
proposed this?  Again, I like this idea.

The farm is located 5 miles north of Moscow up Highway 95--just over
Steakhouse hill.  It's a real treasure if you haven't been out there.

Diana Livada

> >Visonaries;
> >The BOCC is starting discussions concerning leasing the Virgil Phillips
> >Farm from the City of Moscow. The proposal is to add the farm to the
> >counties park system which will provide for more open spaces. More
> >importantly  it will be used to enhance the education and recreation for
> >the children of the city and county. The Park Board has also been
> >discussing the options that may be open such as uses by the school
> >districts, 4H, FFA, Youth services, a demonstration conservation farming
> >expo, ag museum, a place for the Moscow Garden club perhaps. the
> >opportunities are limited only by our imaginations . It would be very
> >helpful to hear how  you all feel about this project pro and con. Let the
> >dialogue begin.
> >
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