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County districts

I have a question for anyone regarding the Latah County Commissioners and 
local county politics.  Does the Latah County Commisson have a single 
commissioner representing the entire population of Moscow?  How are the 
districts drawn in the county?  When was the last time the districts were 
re-drawn?  Sorry, that’s three questions.

Last Thursday, the Whitman County Gazette carried an article quoting a City 
Councilman of Pullman about the need for a Whitman County Commissioner 
elected by and responsible for Pullman.  His reasons were that Pullman is 
not represented on the County Commission, the city is ¾ of the population, 
the current commissioners make decisions contrary to the interests of the 
city, no joint agreements between county and city exist, etc.  I know Latah 
County and Moscow have some kind of joint planning agreement.  Does anyone 
know the particulars on this?  Damn, that’s four questions.

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