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Re: hospital merger

I am somewhat surprised there has been little or no mention of the proposal.
I, too, read it and went to one of the meetings.  There were at least three
that I know of and all were open to the public.  I went to the meeting
assuming I would have a reaffirmation of my thinking that a merger would be
a good idea.  I came away from the meeting very skeptical that the proposal
being discussed would be of any significant benefit to the citizens of Latah
County.  I didn't feel the board made a hasty decision, but of course they
made the one I feel most comfortable with.  Had it been the other way, I
might not have been so satisfied.

----- Original Message -----
From: Kenton Bird <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 1999 12:42 PM
Subject: hospital merger

> Dear visionaries:
> Can anyone shed any light on the proposed merger of Gritman and Pullman
> Memorial hospitals?   I was surprised that the two hospital boards
> responded so quickly to the consultant's report recommending a single
> hospital in the corridor.  Were there any public forums that I missed
> before the boards' decisions (Pullman endorsed a merger; Gritman opposed
> it)?
> Because of my opposition to any more commercial development along the
> current Pullman-Moscow Highway, I initially was skeptical of the idea of
> putting a hospital there.  But Jim Fisher's editorial in Sunday's
> Lewiston Tribune ("Gritman plays Microsoft when it should be Chrysler")
> has prompted me to reconsider.   If you haven't read this editorial,
> it's on line at:
> I also discovered that the executive summary of the consultant's report
> is posted on the Pullman Memorial Hospital webpage.  You can download a
> version with graphics if you have Adobe Acrobat; otherwise you can read
> a text-only version.
> You can find it at:
> Even though both hospital boards have been discussing the idea for
> months, I'm concerned that there hasn't been enough opportunity for
> public discussion.   After reading parts of the report, I have a lot of
> questions about the continued viability of two hospitals.   I'd welcome
> responses from subscribers to this list who have any additional
> information or background.   Does anyone have a list of the Gritman
> board members?  (I couldn't find it at
> thanks,
> Kenton
> P.S. I noticed that the Vision 2020 archives on the page have
> not been updated since Nov. 9.  Forgive me if this topic has been raised
> earlier and I missed any discussion.

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