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The T-bone accident happend at mile post 341 US 95.
My wife was performing the example and test I gave a few posts back.
It happened a couple of years ago.
 The pregnant woman shot into the on coming lane trying to avoid my wife stoped in the road and t-boned the scouts... amazingly no one got hurt. Sadly people don't pay as much attention to these near misses with life.
 Safety with any kind of equipment whether it is guns,ladders,lawnmowers,cars or what ever, Should be promoted and made affective as possible irregardles of political positions. 
  I get tierd of this whole rights confusion about guns, SUV's ,property rights and the whole mess.
 We are all entitled to nothing in my opinion. After all the rights and lives we enjoy are all just privaliges and we need to not take them for granted.
 We need good ideas to overcome some very real problems.
   David Sarff

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