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Re: Women's Shelter


There are two emergency/temporary housing facilities in Moscow:

Alternatives to Violence of the Palouse (domestic violence shelter)

Sojourner Truth House (transitional/homeless shelter) 883-3438.

The First Presbyterian Church in Moscow (882-4122) might also be a good
place to try.  I understand that they create "home starter" kits for folks
as they leave homeless or abusive situations to begin anew.  They include
such things as shampoo, soaps, etc.  I believe they also work with ATVP
and Sojourner's to supply these items to the families who leave their
respective shelters.

All this information can be found in a resource guide for Latah
County, called the Community Compass.  If you'd like a copy, call and
let me know.  Hope this helps.


Marci Schreiber, Program Manager
Family Support Program
Gritman Medical Center
700 S. Main, Moscow, ID 83843
Phone: (208) 883-6454
Fax: (208) 883-2239

On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, Tina Tindall wrote:

> Can someone give me some information on contacting a women's shelter in the
> area?  I have several boxes of handcrafted soap, toiletries and bath
> crystals I wanted to give them but am not sure how to contact them.
> - Tina
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