Re: New Building
- To:,
- Subject: Re: New Building
- From: "david sarff" <>
- Date: Mon, 08 Nov 1999 03:58:19 GMT
- Resent-Date: Sun, 7 Nov 1999 19:59:30 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"1ob99D.A.kLG.FqkJ4">
- Resent-Sender:
I find this zoning taste thing sad.
After spending much time as a child with the wonderful family that used to
own the wrecking yard East of Mountain View (now replaced with homes), I
discovered a long time ago that there is practically no such thing as junk.
Unless you want to include all things we make.
Everything we make comes from the Earth: trees, rock, dirt, oil.
In mass people ruin its original beauty to make narcissistic Icons.
As for those who would be resourceful with it ...more power to em.
There is no winning in a dispute over taste.
The structural integrity of any construct on the other hand can perhaps be
more easily debated and proved.
David Sarff
>From: "Tim Hillebrand" <>
>To: "Vision2020" <>
>Subject: New Building
>Date: Sun, 7 Nov 1999 11:10:57 -0800
>I agree with Ellen, Trouble is, no one in charge really cares or their
>perception is that no one cares. The overriding concern is that no one can
>tell you what to do with your property. That's fine if you want to live in
>hodge-podge of junk. Without zoning ordinances, you are going to have a
>and that's what we're getting. Pretty soon it will be too late. I predicted
>the new building on Main Street would be a tasteless disasaster, and it is.
>Why am I not surprised? Wake up folks, before it's too late. We do need
>zoning ordinances, and we need them now. Apparently we need to give people
>some incentive to create a harmonious, tasteful, architecturally pleasing
>Tim Hillebrand
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