voter apathy
- To:
- Subject: voter apathy
- From: "Joan Klingler" <>
- Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 08:54:13 -0800
- Priority: normal
- Reply-to:
- Resent-Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 09:00:11 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"IgoT6D.A.oJ.i5FJ4">
- Resent-Sender:
For those of you essaying about voter apathy, I submit the following
that was used in a LWV newsletter a few years back (with permission
from the publisher). By the way, I don't believe the polling place makes a
huge difference in voting. If it's important enough for us, we'll get there.
And let's face it, how difficult can it be when we live in a town the size of
Moscow? Excuses, excuses!
Election Day is a Holiday
by Ogden Nash
People on whom I do not bother to dote
Are people who do not bother to vote.
Heaven forbid that they should ever be exempt
>From contumely, obloquy and various kinds of contempt.
Some of them like Toscanini and some like Rudy Vallee,
But all of them take about as much interest in their right to ballot as their
right to ballet.
They haven’t voted since the heyday of Miss Russell (Lillian)
And excuse themselves by saying What’s the difference of one vote in
fifty million?
They have such refined and delicate palates
That they can discover no one worthy of their ballots,
And then when someone terrible gets elected!
They say, There, that’s just what I expected!
And they go around for four years spouting discontented criticisms
And contented witticisms,
And then when somebody to oppose the man they oppose gets
They say Oh golly golly he’s the kind of man I’ve always abominated,
And they have discovered that if you don’t take time out to go to the
You can manage very nicely to get through thirty-six holes.
O let us cover these clever people very conspicuously with loathing,
For they are un-citizens in citizens’ clothing.
They attempt to justify their negligence
On the grounds that no candidate appeals to people of their
But I am quite sure that if Abraham Lincoln (Rep.) ran against Thomas
Jefferson (Dem.)
Neither man would be appealing enough to squeeze a vote out of them.
Joan Klingler
League of Women Voters
PO Box 9535
Moscow ID 83843
208-882-0727 fax
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