puzzleing election
- To: "Vision2020" <>
- Subject: puzzleing election
- From: "John and Laurie Danahy" <>
- Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 09:27:55 -0800
- Reply-To: "John and Laurie Danahy" <>
- Resent-Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 09:32:18 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"yXmieD.A.6f.3RxI4">
- Resent-Sender:
I am puzzled by the election. In an apparent time of economic prosperity,
voters in almost all elections, turned down or rolled back taxes. I-695
clearly will have a negative impact on many communities, especially the
smaller cities and towns. This will certainly mean increased hardship and
expenses for those least able to afford it. I also am puzzled by the voters
unwillingness to fund community improvements. Clearly the citizens are not
as confident in the prosperity or as willing to address, through taxation,
local needs.
As for the city council election, I have always felt Moscow was a moderately
conservative community with occasional liberal pretensions. This resulted
in a pragmatic form of governmental decision making. It appears to me that
the recent election will result in a more conservative city council than
many we have had in the past. Again, the citizens appear to have been
cautious in their voting, perhaps expressing the lack of confidence in the
apparent prosperity continuing.
John and Laurie Danahy
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