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candidate endorsements

I appreciate the good comments from people about whether to use the
listserve for candidate endorsements.  I have mixed feelings on the
subject.  On one hand, I do not find run-of-the-mill letters to the editor
to be informative, and would hate to see the discussion deteriorate into
personal attacks.  On the other hand, I'm glad to hear from several people
that they look to the listserve to learn more about candidates' positions.

The bottom line, however, is that this is an unmonitored list  -- an "open
forum" as Steve points out.  We can encourage a certain type of discussion
but cannot control what is posted.  Indeed, we started the list for the
purpose of discussing growth and development issues, but don't want to, and
can't, limit the discussion to these topics.  Even if most people said, "no
endorsements," there is nothing to keep a new subscriber or particularly
ornery person from posting what they want.  

I don't see a need to change the mission statement of Vision 2020 at this
time, tho we could certainly do with a better description of what the
listserve is all about.  Let's keep this thread going for awhile and then
give it a try.

Steve, I'm glad you're still forming that opinion of yours.  When it's
fully formed and you figure out this crazy medium, please let me know!

--Priscilla Salant

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