Re: candidate endorsement quandary
My two cents: No, I dont' want to read a bunch of
political endorsements. It's not the reason I subscribe to
this list.
Dena Marchant
Deary, ID
At 01:43 PM 11/3/99 PST, bill london wrote:
>Here's a topic I would love to see discussed by more subscribers to this
>During the political campaign periods, should the Vision 2020 list include
>"endorsements" or "non-endorsements" of political candidates?
>Are those kinds of messages a turn-off for members or a valued service?
>We've had a few comments on this subject already. I would like to see more.
>Vision 2020 serves as a community forum, like the soapbox in the park.
>Nobody screens or manages the postings. Civil discourse is the goal, and
>with few exceptions, has been the rule.
>I fear that encouraging political candidate endorsements on 2020 would
>degenerate into a pathetic name-calling mess. But what if the opposite is
>correct? Perhaps we would all learn more about the reputations and
>experiences of the candidates. Maybe all we would read is petty third-hand
>gossip and innuendo. Perhaps the scrutiny would be positive, or perhaps it
>would scare people away from offering to serve. Maybe...
>Several council candidates posted their ideas and discussed their
>motivations on the 2020 list during this campaign. This, it seems to me, is
>different from their supporters or detractors posting messages endorsing
>candidates. Candidates' own messages seems to me to be a good use of this
>community forum. Please consider that aspect as well. Perhaps you
>I encourage you to post your ideas about encouraging discussions about
>specific candidates, or candidates' own postings on community issues, on the
>Vision 2020 list.
>One use of the 2020 list that seemed to work is the questionaire we
>developed and then asked of all candidates. We then reported all responses
>on the 2020 list and on a website donated by FSR. The responses were more
>thorough than I had expected. Several 2020 subscribers (as well as several
>candidates) contacted me to support that process. I do expect to see, in
>future political campaign periods, continued use of the Vision 2020 list as
>a forum for those candidate questionaires.
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Dena Marchant
Web Programmer
First Step Research
(208) 882-8869 ext 20
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