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I hope I have not transgressed any rules by my endorsement of Jack Hill. If
so, please accept my apology. I am under the impression that Vision 20/20 is
a place to discuss community concerns. To my way of thinking it is a forum
just like the letters to the editor in the DN. In fact, I have occasionally
sent a 20/20 post cc to the DN where it has been picked up and published.
Perhaps a clarification on this matter from Bill London et al. would be in
order here.
PS, I have been disappointed that there was not more discussion of
candidates and their positions. For instance, I asked Candidate Busch to
comment on the high cost of gas in Moscow and what could be done about it.
Apparently he has chosen not to comment, to his detriment, I believe, for he
is in a position to share the truth with us. Candidates should address the
issues put before them. Certainly this has been a lively topic of discussion
here on 20/20. Strange.
PPS, See you at the polls today.

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