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Re: Fwd: Moscow-Pullman Highway Expansion

It looks like you've got the most recent revision of the planned road, but 
for clarification, here's what Whitman County knows:

WS-DOT plans a 5-lane road that will extend up to the Siggy Dome (Jorstad's 
property).  The center lane will be a turn lane.  From the 5-Lane road out 
to the Idaho border will be the split 4-lane highway.  This has been done 
because of land owner objections to giving the State a large right-of-way on 
the properties close to Pullman, and also because it saves a few dollars.

A public meeting with WS-DOT is tentatively set for December 5 at Pullman 
City Hall.

Remember, if Initiative 695 goes through, all of this is moot.  If I-695 
guts WS-DOT (and all other local and state government agencies), no road 
improvements will occur for probably the next 10 years, or until a new set 
of bonds is approved.

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