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Fwd: What's 'The Home Town Advantage"

Subject:     What's 'The Home Town Advantage"
Sent:        10/17/19 7:53 PM
Received:    10/22/99 9:28 PM
From:        Jon Barrett,

=====  A message from the 'smartgro' discussion list  =====

Today at the Idaho Smart Growth, we received a new book in the mail 

"The Home Town Advantage" by Stacy Mitchell.

The publisher is the Institute for Local Self Reliance, a 25 year old
research and educational organization that provides technical assistance 
information on environmentally sound economic development strategies.

>From the back cover of "The Home Town Advantage":

"Anyone concerned about the preservation of locally owned small businesses
in America should read "The Home Town Advantage".  So should those who
lament the conversion of the American landscape into blobs of sprawl.  
concise, readable report is a real eye-opener in explaining how public
policies often favor absentee-owned businesses over the local businesses
that contribute so significantly to a community's civic life and 
character.  Most important, the report describes planning, zoning, and 
strategies that Main Street preservationists can use to enhance the 
of their towns."

- Constance Beaumont, Policy Director of the National Trust for Historic

"When your Mayor or City Council tells you nothin  can be done to fight
megastores and global corporations, give them a copy of Stacy Mitchell's
timely and hopeful book."

- Jim Hightower, radio commentator

Chapter titles for "The Home Town Advantage" include:

1. Trends are Not Destiny
2. The Retail Sector Consolidates
3. The Benefits of Local Ownership
4. Reviving Anti-Trust
5. Planning and Zoning for Healthy Main Streets
6. Taxing Chain Stores
7. Restoring Franchise Autonomy
8. Expanding Cooperatives

Copies of "The Home Town Advantage" are $14 and are available through the
Institute for Local Self-Reliance at 612-379-3815.

By the way, the Institute for Local Self-Reliance publishes an excellent
quarterly called "The New Rules" and has a website at

Jon Barrett
Idaho Smart Growth

William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843

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