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Growth re edited-just a little

I thought it would be only fair to Tom Trail that I try to explain my 
position on the growth a little further than in my last posting.
First I've been acutely aware of the problems with US 95 for years.
You will find a petition filed by me with the state to fix it.
Robert Clyde and I even hoofed it down to Lewiston to try to do something 
about it some time ago.
Many times I've asked the state that we be informed about any progress.
Bob only found out by reading the paper...This is an example of poor 
It was an [executive] decision in my opinion and not a democratic one.
Bob is trying to keep his farm in tact by giving some incentive to move the 
road against the ridge and I can't blame him.
You could say I can move but here is the deal. this family brings in about 
$50,000 a year .....Where around Moscow could this place with its solitude 
be replaced on that kind of money? ....which should be ample but it's not, 
which brings me to the next subject.
Have you raised your kids in a next to mandatory two-wage earner family?   
If it was doable to live comfortably 30 years ago and not have to fight to 
even save a dime, then why is it so different now?
Absentee investors are creating revenue- robbing money pumps in every town 
homogenizing the whole nation, and I'd bet you have a better understanding 
than I do about that.
  Its robbing the down towns of places like Queen City Printing and Ward 
Paint and Hardware.
Installing these money pumps requires labor and resources that create the 
worst kind of growth. It's like a leach which can be supported by a host.

Free enterprise is a fine thing. But absentee [Executive] Corporate Power is 
more sensitive to the bottom line and getting it efficiently
It's a form of taxation without representation.
And that my friend is what is what's going to turn this place into little 
more than an organized money-making concentration camp that people are 
invited to.
A four-lane highway will bring nothing less than an increase in what I have 
Have you talked to Kenny, Steve or Scott Clyde, or my children, or any child 
whose life will be affected by these events of today . . . they are the next 
I do not want to over look safety the road it is dangerous under the present 
load . . . let's fix it and use the rest of this pork barrel money [served 
on a plate by the conservative republican party no less] for something for 
the future like New Schools.
Inside of you is still the child that grew up here, so I know you 

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