Re: Subscriber Bio
- To: "JS M" <>, "Moscow Vision 2020" <>
- Subject: Re: Subscriber Bio
- From: Ken Medlin <>
- Date: Wed, 20 Oct 99 10:28:11 -0800
- Resent-Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 10:28:17 -0700 (PDT)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"9w3B7B.A.W2F.CufD4">
- Resent-Sender:
Folks: It seems both logical and fair to all list subscribers to know
who is standing behind a message purporting to convey information,
opinions, proposals and the like. If a person does not wish to identify
with her/his statements made in print over a public medium, then it seems
logical and fair for that person to keep such statements to oneself. Why
send out something for general consumption if you do not wish others to
know "who I am"? Respectfully submitted to all list users. W. Ken Medlin
PS: There may be copyright laws or, in businesses anti-trust and
regulatory restrictions, that limit what can be said "in the open". But
otherwise, one ought to know who it is out there who is making noise.
William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843
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