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As the world turns

Hello all.
Thanks to all who have reflected an incredibly large dose of positive energy 
back into this soul.
With a little help from my friends we'll see what this person can do as per 
requests regarding the Paved Paradise letter.
On a related level:
I was just checking out a sunset and wondered what it is that moves me about 
nature. Nature is quality stuff and most people seem to get 
that....Otherwise they wouldn't work so hard to own it and use it to 
make......... stuff.
There is this thing though......sometimes known as Manifest Destiny.
In my mind the practice of which has been like an enabler allowing some of 
the most destructive forces that humans can devise to thrive like cancer.
  Would it not be good if humanity could shake this one monkey from its back 
?.......Cooperation could then take hold and Corporation might then serve a 
more even handed role under a unified force.
There is an energy that if freed and practiced.....can enable people to be 
more effective in their...... Operations.

I would encourage people to look into the democracy and trade that was in 
this country before the people from other countries came and changed it.
      I.E. .....The Six Nations....B.C.[before corporation]


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