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Re: Paved Paradise

For those people who decry the steady reduction of our open spaces, I
suggest that you act to secure rural property from development.  Those
multimillionaires and billionaires on the list can purchase large tracts of
land and create permanent conservation organizations or easements to
preserve the land.

The rest of us can perhaps pool our resources with similar intents. If you
think it is unlikely that we can get enough funds to buy and preserve more
than 0.03 acres in our region, then I would recommend a contribution to one
of the following organizations:

The Nature Conservancy,
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation,
Ducks Unlimited,
Trout Unlimited,

All of these organizations purchase land to preserve it for nature and
wildlife, although each has a different focus.  All of them purchase land
that is at risk from development and resource extraction, so don't be
surprised if they are preserving a bit of nature near you.  (The Nature
Conservancy has a preserve at the base of Moscow Mountain, the beautiful
cedar grove called Idler's Rest.)

I'm sure there are other fine organizations working towards this goal.  So
let's all pony up: If you care about land preservation, join one (or more)
of these organizations, or similar ones, today!

Bob Hoffmann                         229 East C St., Suite B
Alt-Escape Adventures                Moscow, ID  83843  USA            Phone: (208) 883-0642
                                     Fax: 1-800-683-3799

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