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Proceedings for week of October 4, 1999

Week of October 4, 1999

Commissioners Loreca J. Stauber, Samuel G. Duncan and Paul J. Kimmell met in
regular session.  The following actions were taken:

Motion and Order to engage the services of Thomas J. Mueller to assess the
county’s current state of technology and services, not to exceed $2,500.00.
To be funded from Information Services budget.

Approved request for taxpayer adjustment of Home-owner Exemption at 50% on
Parcel Number RPM0660012004A for 1999, based on timely application of form
with regards to married status.

Approved request for cancellation of taxes on Parcel Number RPM02500010040A
for 1996 due to homeowner disabled.

Approved request for cancellation of taxes on Parcel Number RPG1360005008A
for 1999 due to clerical error; homeowner exemption was overlooked.

Signed and filed salary requests for fiscal year 1999-2000. Table of
Organization, Department 02A, Assessor, Revaluation. Effective October 1,

Signed and filed salary requests fiscal year 1999-2000. Table of
Organization, Department 02B, Assessor, Motor Vehicle.  Effective October 1,

Approved, signed and filed transfer of property, two UHF radios, from Latah
County Sheriff’s Office to Latah County Search and Rescue.

Motion and Order to authorize Chair’s signature to change title for 1982
Dodge Pick-up from Buildings and Grounds to the Motor Pool.

Signed and filed resignation of Mary Ellen Martin as Communication
Specialist.  Table of Organization, Sheriff Communications, Department 04D
Line 04.  Effective October 4, 1999.

Signed and filed resignation of Nicole Agidius as Secretary.  Table of
Organization, Youth Services, Department 08A, Line 08.

Approved, signed and filed request to hire Andrew J. Gray as Part-time
Irregular Tracker.  Table of Organization, Youth Services/Juvenile Block
Grant, Department 08B, Line 05.  Effective September 27, 1999.

Convened in Executive Session at 10:02 a.m. on October 6, 1999, to discuss
indigent cases, pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1) (d). Adjourned at
10:14 a.m. Reconvened at 10:36 a.m. and adjourned at 10:41 a.m.  Three (3)
cases were approved, and one (1) case was denied.

Motion and Order directing Information Services to proceed with the
acquisition of a printer (IBM 6400-010) not to exceed $8,674.40.

Approved, signed and filed Commissioners’ proceedings for the week of
September 27, 1999.

Motion and Order to create a Latah Trails Committee composed of
representatives from the Cities of Moscow and Troy, the Latah Trail
Foundation, the University of Idaho, Idaho Transportation Department (ex
officio), Latah County Parks and Recreation, Latah County Planning and
Building, and Chair of the Board of County Commissioners for the purpose of
working toward acquisition and development of the rail right-of-way between
Moscow and Troy.

Approved, signed and filed letter from the Clearwater Office of the Idaho
Department of Lands, regarding the management of the Blue Lagoon area.

All documents are available for inspection in the office of the

Susan Petersen

By:  Rachel Rausch
Deputy Clerk of the Board of Latah County Commissioners

APPROVED:						, Chair

ATTEST:							, Deputy/Clerk

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