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Re: Dumbing down local Public Radio

I've never listened to the subject programs, though I share your concern 
about maintaining quality radio programs.  However, I'm kind of excited 
about a quality music show on Saturday nights.  That's a good time slot for 
music, maybe not so good for news topics.
I'm having trouble receiving KWSU.  I'm on the north end of town and we just 
can't get good reception from Pullman.  Does anyone have any ideas about how 
to get clear reception?  I've tried stringing wire from the AM antennae 
outlet of the receiver over the roof of the house.  Do I have the wrong kind 
of wire?  Is there a cheap external AM antennae on the market?

>From: (John Francis)
>Subject: Dumbing down local Public Radio
>Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 17:53:31 -0700
>I have sent this letter to the Daily News.  I hope some of you become as
>upset about the dumbing down of KWSU (AM 1250) as I am and will join me in
>trying to persuade managerment to restore the dumped programs.

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