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Re: Moscownians?

Moscowans, I always thought, but I notice there are not many cows here.

Also, I prefer Idahoans over Idahonians.  Idahonians are readers of the former local gazette of
considerable note, while Idahoans are accepted and free present and former residents of our fair


----- Original Message -----
From: mpresn1 <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 08, 1999 10:32 AM
Subject: Moscownians?

> This might be a little odd, but someone just asked me what we call
> ourselves.  I know people in Spokane are Spokanites and Colfaxians are
> well, Colfaxians; but what about Moscow?  Just for laughs these are the
> suggestions from the friend that asked.  Moscovites?
>   Moscowards? Moscovians?  So now I'm incrediably curious.  Please help
> me out!
> M

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