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Re: Moscow/Pullman gas prices

More to the point is that Moscow/Pullman gas prices are the same as
Lewiston and Boise. Both of these markets can have gas prices up to 5 cents
less than our area. I suspect that Grageville gas prices closely reflect
those in Lewiston. I would be concerned if Moscow's gas prices were similar
to McCall's - but they are not - they are much less.

Thanks, Charles.

At 02:03 AM 10/7/99 -0400, wrote:
>In a message dated 10/6/99 4:47:10 PM, writes:
><< Actually, last Saturday McCall was .20 cents higher, Mew Meadows was 15 
>cents higher, Riggins was 10 cents higher, and Grangeville was comparable. >>
>As one would expect.  McCall and New Meadows are further from any possible 
>source of supply than Moscow.  Grangeville is also.  Therefore, why is
>the same as Grangeville?  
       Charles E. Swift	
        Moscow, Idaho

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