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Channel Eleven Watchers

Some of you may remember me asking a few questions about an announcement
that appeared on the Palouse Bulletin page of the local cable company's
channel 11, and the discussion about free speech which followed.  Well, I'm

A group of agencies which provide services here on the Palouse for gay,
lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people placed an announcement on
Channel 11 which began running on 1 October.  It's a brief listing (5
agencies/churches with phone numbers or emails).  Curiously, it first
appeared with not just one, but two disclaimers from the station--one
immediately preceding it, one immediately following it.  No other
announcement on Channel 11 has ever had a disclaimer, including the "How
long are we going to let gay and lesbian people publicly demoralize and
lower the standards of this city?" one. 

A phone call to the General Manager resulted in a new disclaimer which did
not specifically mention our announcement, but still immediately preceded
it, which was followed by the weather page, then all the other
announcements--a peculiar arrangement at best.  Another phone call, and now
we are, I hope, in a less singular position, although still, I believe,
flagged with a disclaimer. 

Community members who would like to discuss the station's special treatment
of this announcement and passionate defenders of free speech may like to
call Century Communications Advertising Department, 882-1534, to get more


Melynda  Huskey  

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