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An Open Letter to NWPR

As a regular subscriber to NWPR I want to express my displeasure over the changes in the programing.  I believe Tech Nation, Cleveland City Club, To The Best of Our Knowledge and Selected Shorts are some of the best Radio Programs that are out there.  I have learned a lot from TN, and TBOOK, and have enjoyed the discussions at CCC as well as SS.  To go to other programs would be a great loss to our community.  While these programs are not high revenue earners, the proposed programs, I fear will earn even less.
The purpose of Public Radio is to provide a niche for thoughtful alternatives to commercial radio.  Over the years NWPR has developed into an excellent source of public information.  It is a very needed alternative to other talk radio stations.   World Caffe is a step beyond the boundaries NWPR has established; and, while that may be a gutsy move in the commercial industry, it can be a foolhardy move in the Public Service Industry.  Public Radio should never be about ratings, it should be about community service--Arbitron be damned.
I ask that you reconsider your proposed programing changes.
Thank you,
Wayne H Beebe
210 SW Spruce
Pullman WA 99163

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