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Re: KWSU radio drops great programs

At 08:12 PM 10/04/1999 -0700, John Francis wrote:
>	This last weekend the management of KWSU radio quietly dropped four of
>the most intellectually mature and broadranging shows from their lineup.

I hate to see quality programming leave the airwaves, although KWSU never
got a blip of my listenership.

A comment on the Cleveland City Club:  This club was originally formed to
provide a platform for people with important messages who were otherwise
excluded from reaching mass audiences.  While they still may feature some
excellent speakers, they have apparently abandoned their mission, and now
tend to feature major headliners (I remember when President Bush spoke
there while running for re-election).

Let us remember also that Moscow is still deprived of its local KUOI news
program, Weekly Scan, since Leigh Robartes was removed from his reporting
position by station manager Loren Finn.  

In case Vision 2020 readers are interested in an update:

Finn and Robartes agreed to a mediation session (with a professional
mediator), but Finn later withdrew from the proposal.  There has been talk
of bringing the issue before the Student Media Board, but last I heard,
there were a lot of vacancies on the board, so it was difficult to bring
anything together.

Bob Hoffmann                         229 East C St., Suite B
Alt-Escape Adventures                Moscow, ID  83843  USA            Phone: (208) 883-0642
                                     Fax: 1-800-683-3799

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