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Re: Recycled Glass Update

We just compiled our first quarterly curbside report.  We collected a total of
133.44 tons of recyclables for the quarter ending June 30th, 1999.  We estimate
overall participation to be 80-90% (based on the customer participating at least
once per month), with a weekly set out rate of 30-40%.   Compared to recycling
center volumes this time last year, we can see that the curbside program is
adding to our recycled volumes.  The details of this report are not in a format
that can be easily emailed, but you may pick up a copy at Moscow Recycling
during open business hours (Tues. - Sat. 9:30a.m.-5:30p.m.).

Relene wrote:

> Glass aside, how is the curbside program going in terms of participation and
> volume (total of curbside and center vs. previous center only).  Have been
> hoping for a Daily News article on this but haven't seen one.

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