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Wanna Go To the Feast?

Co-op Plans Party with a Purpose

	The Moscow Food Co-op is sponsoring a fundraising feast to raise the money 
to add a power-assisted door to the new store at 221 East Third at Moscow.
	The banquet, entitled the A-door-able Feast, is scheduled for Thursday, 
November 11, at 6pm, at the Current Events Banquet Hall, at 111 North 
Washington Street in Moscow.
The new door will open with push-button ease and is designed to allow easy 
access to the store for shoppers with mobility handicaps, parents with 
strollers, or anyone who finds it difficult to open the present doors, 
explained Co-op General Manager Kenna Eaton.
The A-door-able Feast will include live music by Cariol Consort, 
opportunities to purchase local artwork and certificates for local services 
at a silent auction, glasses of organic wine, and a full dinner with 10 
unique lasagnas, salad, bread, and dessert.
Tickets to the feast must be purchased in advance, Eaton said.  Tickets cost 
$30 each and are available from any Co-op cashier.  No tickets will be sold 
at the door.  Only a limited number of tickets are available.
"Last year, we sponsored a feast to raise money for our move to our present 
location," Eaton said.  "The feast was so much fun, and so successful--we 
raised $2300 that night--that we decided to repeat it this year."
"Last year, we sold out a week before the event.  Lots of people who wanted 
to go could not get a ticket.  This year, we advise folks who want to go to 
the feast to get their tickets early."

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