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Re: Eagles/Capricorn?

Dear Kenton and Visionaries,

I don't know what's in the works for the corner of Main and A Streets but as
to your question about any design standards relating to aesthetics, we do
not have them. As you probably already know, we have various standards
associated with our planning and zoning and subdivision regulations (setback
(zero to extensive, depending upon the zone, or landscape buffer
requirements, for example).

There has been little interest and less agreement on the prospect of design
standards of any sort whenever the subject has been raised during the last
27 years I've been in Moscow. The closest NOrth Central Idaho towns and
cities get to this is the City of Lewiston and their downtown historic
district. On the whole, I think it has worked reasonably well there and,
though there have been hard feelings from time to time over it, the historic
buildings and flavor of downtown Lewiston have been retained.

Sweet reason and learning by example (both good and bad) has been the
approach for the City. I think the results are mixed. 

So, for what it's worth, there you have it on design review...  It's great
to have you back, Kenton; your questions are always provocative and give us
the opportunity to rethink some of our authoritative pronouncements!

All the best,
Linda Pall
Moscow City COuncil

At 12:34 PM 10/2/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Does anyone know what is going up at the southwest corner of A and Main,
>the former site of the Eagles Lodge and Capricorn ballroom?  Are the
>Eagles rebuilding, or has someone bought the property for another
>commercial use?  Does the city have any design standards for downtown
>(other than zoning) to assure compatibility with existing buildings?

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