Linear Park Committee update
- To:
- Subject: Linear Park Committee update
- From: "bill london" <>
- Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 13:38:08 PDT
- Resent-Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 13:40:06 -0700 (PDT)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"ORwxt.A.tBD.2vR93">
- Resent-Sender:
> Minutes
> Linear Park Task Force
> September 23, 1999
>Present Absent Guest
>Judy Brown Sam Scripter Phil Waite
>Sylvia Ferrin Steve Drown
>Becky Chastain Damon Burton
>Linda Pall
>Roger Blanchard
>Phil Waite provided the task force with an overview of the plans for the
>new student recreation center and other changes planned near the site of
>the new center. He explained that the University is working with the Corps
>of Engineers on a plan to reroute Paradise Creek into the railroad and City
>rights-of-way to the north of the proposed center. A grant is being
>written which will cover about 65% of the creek realignment. Phil received
>assurance that the task force would write a letter of support for the
> The University is setting up a meeting with Palouse River Railroad to
>discuss the possibility of using a part of their right-of-way for the new
>creek channel. The task force discussed other locations where the linear
>park system would need to coordinate development with the railroad. Becky
>was assigned the task of researching ownership along these various
>locations. Phil said that there are some records at his office which were
>done by an intern that show many of these ownerships. Becky can use this
>information as a starting point.
>Becky agreed to contact Delphine Keim Campbell about meeting with the task
>force to develop a logo for the linear park system.
>The task force discussed participating in a dedication ceremony and bulb
>planting at the Sweet Avenue section of the linear park. The weekend of
>October 20-23 was proposed.
>The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
> Agenda
> September 27, 1999
> Special meeting with Delphine Campbell discuss a linear park logo.
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