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Re: Whoyagonnachooz?

Dear Travis, Evan and any other candidates,

Please discuss what Travis calls "the hot button issues," such as the 1912
MHS community center, pool funding, land development policies (specifically
what kinds of subdivision standards should we be operating under? what kind
of impact -- traffic, noice, etc. -- are we going to tolerate, encourage or
refuse in land development proposals?) and budget (if property tax revenue
is to be reduced, where else would you go for revenue and how would you
handle the fact that our expenses expand because of inflation and citizen
needs without proportional expansion of resources?). Please be as specific
as you can so that those of us who don't know you personally might be able
to get a feel for your priorities and concerns.

"Hidden agendas" are not very helpful but exposed agendas are called
platforms and policies. I'd be very interested in hearing what each
candidate's agenda is for the next four years. I like Travis' comment about
family oriented activities... that's part of what we have in mind for the
1912 MHS center. Parks and Rec. Commission has some ideas about this too.
Maybe a visit to Randy RIce would be a good idea for Travis and anyone who
is interested in recreation oriented issues.

I applaud all of you who have chosen to run. I hope you'll take the
opportunity to communicate through this medium about some or all of these
issues and more!

All the best to each of you as the campaign begins,
Lianda Pall
Moscow City Council

At 12:58 AM 9/27/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Hello all,
>    My name is Travis Tonn and I am a candidate for city council.  I agree
>that posting a message to this list with a bit of background info and ideas
>is a great idea.  To start off, I was born in Moscow and grew up here.  I
>joined the US Navy in '88 and went off to see the world and soon realized
>that Moscow was indeed a great place to grow up.  I was stationed at San
>Diego, CA, Memphis, TN, Kauai, HI, and Whidbey Island, WA.  I was also
>assigned to the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72).  I
>participated in Desert Storm as an aviation structural technician (body and
>fender repair for airplanes) on board the Lincoln.   I recieved the
>Southwest Asia service medal, The Joint Meritorious Unit award and a couple
>of other various awards.  After completing my tour of duty, I returned home
>to Moscow with the intent to start college at the U of I and went to Iowa to
>visit an old Navy buddy for the summer.  While in Iowa, I met the girl of my
>dreams and married her.  We now have two children, Michael, 6, and Emma, 5.
>I lived in Grinnell, Iowa for the next 3 1/2 years working as a quality
>assurance inspector for Maytag.  I was laid off and used the opportunity to
>move back to Moscow and finally attend the U of I.  I started on my
>environmental science degree in the fall of '98.  I am still a full-time
>student and am currently employed by the Army Corps of Engineers as a park
>ranger in Clarkston, WA and am a combat engineer in the Idaho Army National
>Guard in Moscow.
>     My reason for running for City Council is to help insure that Moscow
>remains a great place to raise kids and live in.  I think the current
>council has done an admirable job of keeping the city running with limited
>resources and I would like to keep on track in those regards.  I would also
>like to explore different avenues of reducing the tax burden on residents
>without negatively affecting the city budget.  I look forward to listening
>to citizens and city officials for some ideas and input on how best to
>achieve this.
>    Another concern that residents have shared with me is a lack of family
>oriented activities and businesses, especially during the winter months.
>McDonald's indoor playland is one of the few places small children can run
>wild during inclement weather.  Moscow needs more places like this.
>    I would also like to do my best to attract more high wage jobs to
>Moscow.  We have an incredibly talented and qualified labor pool in this
>town and it's citizens deserve good paying jobs without a commute.
>    There are a few "Hot Button" issues in Moscow such as the 1912 building,
>further funding for the new pool, and land development.  I think for such
>sensitive and important decisions, I can offer both common sense and
>fairness.  I have no hidden agendas, and what is best for Moscow is my main
>concern.   I look forward to working with the other council members and
>residents to ensure that Moscow remains a great place to live.
>  Feel free to contact me at
>From: bill london <>
>To: <>
>Cc: <>
>Date: Saturday, September 25, 1999 2:11 PM
>Subject: Re: Whoyagonnachooz?
>>Evan Holmes, et al...
>>I welcome your bio and introductory message.  I would also urge other
>>council candidates to post similar messages to this list.
>>Since this year we will have eight candidates vying for three council
>>perhaps there are other voters who would like to learn more about all the
>>candidates' positions.
>>Would anyone like to work with me to put together some questions for the
>>council candidates, send them to the candidates by email, and then post the
>>responses to the 2020 list?
>>>From: Nancy Holmes <>
>>>Subject: Whoyagonnachooz?
>>>Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 12:58:45 -0800
>>> Third Day of Autumn, 1999
>>> Evan Holmes
>>> Box 8981
>>> Moscow, Idaho 83843
>>> (208) 883-4918
>>>I'm glad to hear I made the long list for City Council. In order to help
>>>you decide who makes the short list I've enclosed some preliminary
>>>information about me.
>>>Why city council?
>>>Moscow is my home. I know that the simple word "home" holds meanings that
>>>extend beyond the walls of my house and the patch of former prairie that
>>>extends to the curb. I want to share in the duties that will maintain and
>>>improve this larger home.
>>>The American model of the electoral process that insures representative
>>>democracy has long been heralded. But it only remains vital through active
>>>participation. I am entering this contest partly to insure that there is
>>>indeed a contest. I want residents to think about their vote. I want
>>>outsiders to say, " That town is alive."
>>>Moscow's demographics are complex. Many disparate "constituencies" are
>>>affected by council actions and all need to be represented. I want to be
>>>part of a team that works to make decisions which benefit the interests of
>>>as many different constituents as possible.
>>>For me, the position would be invigorating and enjoyable. I like listening
>>>to local residents about their concerns. I want to be able to use their
>>>input to help sustain our Moscow.
>>>Here's a bit of biography:
>>>I am forty-three years old. My wife, Nancy, and I have lived in Moscow for
>>>ten years. Since January 1991 we've focused on nurturing our children;
>>>that's when our daughter Emily was born. Her brother Colin joined us in
>>>1993. So, fifty percent of my family are Moscow natives.
>>>My employment history includes a lot of time with the National Park
>>>Service, a bit with the U.S. Forest Service and as a formative member of
>>>Interpretive Media Productions (my wife's company). I know what it means
>>>serve the public interest and to act in capacities that require a high
>>>level of trust. I have a lot of experience with public meetings; as a
>>>participant, as a director and as a mediator. I understand how government
>>>decisions must fall within the boundaries of authority and jurisdiction
>>>how existing policy and precedent must be addressed. I have worked
>>>effectively within the confines of a bureaucracy and I am no stranger to
>>>reports, budgets, balance sheets, income statements and management plans.
>>>My employment is multiple and varied. Since living in Moscow I have spent
>>>considerable amount of time working as a carpenter and contractor.  I
>>>frequently buy and refurbish older homes. As a result I also seem to be a
>>>property manager and a real estate investor. In addition I am a part-time
>>>on-call employee of the Moscow School District so on any given day I might
>>>be found cleaning the bathrooms at Russell elementary, delivering frozen
>>>turkey to the high school kitchen or sorting the mail at the district
>>>administrative office. Essentially I am self employed. I think this is
>>>important because it means I have a schedule flexible enough to attend the
>>>myriad council administrative meetings and those of adjunct organizations
>>>and ad hoc interest groups.
>>>Contact me at home (883-4918) or in cyberspace ( or
>>>mail (P.O. Box 8981, Moscow, Id., 83843)
>>Get Your Private, Free Email at

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