Re: Whoyagonnachooz?
>Evan Holmes, et al...
>I welcome your bio and introductory message. I would also urge other
>council candidates to post similar messages to this list.
>Since this year we will have eight candidates vying for three council
>perhaps there are other voters who would like to learn more about all the
>candidates' positions.
>Would anyone like to work with me to put together some questions for the
>council candidates, send them to the candidates by email, and then post the
>responses to the 2020 list?
>>From: Nancy Holmes <>
>>Subject: Whoyagonnachooz?
>>Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 12:58:45 -0800
>> Third Day of Autumn, 1999
>> Evan Holmes
>> Box 8981
>> Moscow, Idaho 83843
>> (208) 883-4918
>>I'm glad to hear I made the long list for City Council. In order to help
>>you decide who makes the short list I've enclosed some preliminary
>>information about me.
>>Why city council?
>>Moscow is my home. I know that the simple word "home" holds meanings that
>>extend beyond the walls of my house and the patch of former prairie that
>>extends to the curb. I want to share in the duties that will maintain and
>>improve this larger home.
>>The American model of the electoral process that insures representative
>>democracy has long been heralded. But it only remains vital through active
>>participation. I am entering this contest partly to insure that there is
>>indeed a contest. I want residents to think about their vote. I want
>>outsiders to say, " That town is alive."
>>Moscow's demographics are complex. Many disparate "constituencies" are
>>affected by council actions and all need to be represented. I want to be
>>part of a team that works to make decisions which benefit the interests of
>>as many different constituents as possible.
>>For me, the position would be invigorating and enjoyable. I like listening
>>to local residents about their concerns. I want to be able to use their
>>input to help sustain our Moscow.
>>Here's a bit of biography:
>>I am forty-three years old. My wife, Nancy, and I have lived in Moscow for
>>ten years. Since January 1991 we've focused on nurturing our children;
>>that's when our daughter Emily was born. Her brother Colin joined us in
>>1993. So, fifty percent of my family are Moscow natives.
>>My employment history includes a lot of time with the National Park
>>Service, a bit with the U.S. Forest Service and as a formative member of
>>Interpretive Media Productions (my wife's company). I know what it means
>>serve the public interest and to act in capacities that require a high
>>level of trust. I have a lot of experience with public meetings; as a
>>participant, as a director and as a mediator. I understand how government
>>decisions must fall within the boundaries of authority and jurisdiction
>>how existing policy and precedent must be addressed. I have worked
>>effectively within the confines of a bureaucracy and I am no stranger to
>>reports, budgets, balance sheets, income statements and management plans.
>>My employment is multiple and varied. Since living in Moscow I have spent
>>considerable amount of time working as a carpenter and contractor. I
>>frequently buy and refurbish older homes. As a result I also seem to be a
>>property manager and a real estate investor. In addition I am a part-time
>>on-call employee of the Moscow School District so on any given day I might
>>be found cleaning the bathrooms at Russell elementary, delivering frozen
>>turkey to the high school kitchen or sorting the mail at the district
>>administrative office. Essentially I am self employed. I think this is
>>important because it means I have a schedule flexible enough to attend the
>>myriad council administrative meetings and those of adjunct organizations
>>and ad hoc interest groups.
>>Contact me at home (883-4918) or in cyberspace ( or
>>mail (P.O. Box 8981, Moscow, Id., 83843)
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