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Re: Guns, again


I will await you references.  But I must say I would not consider the NRA or
the SAF very good sources.

Also, reference the Wiskey Rebellion, you mention that any decent post
revolutionary history book would have it.
What is a decent book to you?  Please give me YOUR reference.


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 24, 1999 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: Guns, again

> > Stan:
> >
> > (I recall Dan Rather stating on the News that
> > > the NRA was putting out a .50 Caliber Pistol powerfull enough to
> > > "stop a Rhino...
> >
> > Please cite your reference--when and where did he say this?
> if I recall, it was 2-3 years ago, and it was the Evening News on
> what ever network he is on (CBS I think, we have a dish and don't
> watch much of the "network" news due to the high level of
> inaccurate content) as for actual date, that I don't remember. I was
> just before the Black Tallon Fiasco if I recall correctly, I will endevor
> to find out the time and date. hopefully a transcript.
> > Time Magaziners
> > > has publicaly stated that they will not print a positive firearms
> > > story,
> >
> > Again, please cite your documentation.
> let me see if I still have the actual statment, if not I can try and find
> it for you. I'm suire the NRA or SAF have it referenced somewhere
> > Also, when we were discussing the Wiskey Rebellion you said some history
> > books called it the second American Revolution.  And you said there was
> > some question about the legality of congress calling out the militia to
> > put it down.
> >
> > Again, please cite your sources.
> how about any decent book on the post revolutionary war period of
> American development?
> well, for a start, a lot of Americans didn't like the fact that they
> were being taxed by a govt that they just got over an issue that
> they had just fought a war over.(Taxing Potatoe stills), they began
> to ask if they had traded one tyrant George for another, Liberty
> Poles and the taring and feathering of tax collectors started to
> happen, People started to form Liberty Groups again, the situation
> got to the point where the Govt decided that people were raising up
> into what may become a rebelion, due to these peopel refusing to
> accept the laws of the new govt, the Congress got a couple of
> states govenors (I forget which off hand) to call out the Militias to
> supress the "protestors", there was some talk of doing away with
> the new Federalist Govt. now, at that time, a lot of things were of
> questionable legality, due to the fact that a lot of things hadn't been
> delt with before under the new US law (which was based largly on
> British Common Law. but what we had here was the Govt ending in
> troups to enforce a unpopular law, and I seem to recall something
> about the warrents being issued under a law that had been
> repealed, and also something about the distances involved in
> hearings,
> (I also note included but made no reference to the fact that Fire
> arm bans in other countries have been shown to be ineffective and
> only increase crime)
> Stan

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